Friday, December 26, 2008

Presents for DD1 #2

Gosh these photos are really dark sorry. But anyway, these are 2 long sleeved tops - you know it is summer but Melbourne weather is so unpredictable a girl needs everything!
This is a pair of pyjamas they are actually a yellow and pink stripe fabric that I bought heaps of when SL was getting rid of it - about 5 metres! Pregnancy insanity it was cause you cannot always wear the same print can you?

The light pink top here is the smocked top I made in a class. May have posted it before but cause I have given it to DD now I have put it in. The pink top with the dragonfly is actually a remake of a top she had in a smaller size. The joys of making their clothes they can always have their favourite and if needed I could make more than one....

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