Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Norah Tunic

Recently Hayley the blogger responsible for Welcome to the Mouse House released her very first pattern, the Norah dress and Tunic pattern I loved the shape and the cute collar. How could I go wrong? Look at the photo montage! Collar, no collar, colour blocked, sleeves, no sleeves - endless possibilities I thought. 

So I caved. I bought it. And there began my tale of woe...

The day I bought this pattern was unlike others as Dear Partner was home. The Little Man seemed sick and all hands on deck to get others where they needed to be. I thought, I need something to look forward to. I will buy those patterns I was looking at..

Click, click. Bought 2. (other pattern to be discussed later - you may be able to guess why as you read on) 

Damn. Printer is not working. 

Aha! I know I will print them out at Officeworks when I pick up the Little Miss - No drama.

tick tock - The Little Man decides he is actually quite well and perks up after some food (finally!) and a restorative watching of the Wizard of OZ. 

Dear Partner decides to help by picking up the Little Miss himself. I asked him to print for me. No worries says he.

Upon his return I was presented with my patterns. Greedily I snatched them up, collected the cutting blade, ruler and tape required for PDF pattern assembly sat down at the table to start...

and realised....

HE HAD PRINTED THEM DOUBLE SIDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG. Now anyone familiar with the Jigsaw PDF pattern model realises that this is certainly not ideal. However on close evaluation I decided that this pattern, The Norah was useable. Just so you know, it is possible to put the pieces of the tunic/dress pattern together while only missing one page that happens to fall on the mid-line of the pattern. Success! 

Let's not go into the collar pieces now though shall we? 

And so I present my Norah tunic in size 8. Sleeveless, Collarless, Embellishment-less - for now. [I have plans for at least a bow and a flower which I will attach to the top with snaps. Interchangeable and hopefully easier care - remove for washing.]

And then the back. Look at my button loop! Can you see the top stitching?

Wait, this is clearer. 

Of the three photos the last is the most accurate colour on my monitor. I am a terrible photographer and having to take pictures when children are not around as discussed here results in night time or at best dusk photos. Neither of which is ideal. 

But I think you get the idea.

This is a great pattern. I already have the next one cut out, a dress with collar maybe? I can barely wait for Christmas now. A huge photo shoot so I can get modelled shots of everything in daylight. So much to show..

See you next time

Top Secret Stitching in a house with three kids..

So I have found difficulty with keeping up with the blog again. Not the sewing part because I am sewing up a storm! But because of the nature of the sewing I have been working on. The Top Secret kind. You know for the big gift giving event in December. ssshhh!

It is very challenging to try and create gift items when potential recipients are around all the time...snooping...prying...looking...asking.

The real issue is that they know I like to make them new clothes/toys/accessories/whatever for Christmas. This year I foolishly told them it would be a "Handmade Christmas" - what was I thinking? The older two are aware that it is getting closer to the date.

Big Miss should be easy as she goes to school. So I can create things without her knowledge while she is there. Except that Little Miss reports on what she has seen. Little Miss also decides things she likes are for her. (An issue as they both wear basically the same size. Big Miss just needs length added to everything.) So everything I make is known and already claimed.

Little Miss goes to Kinder 3 times a week so there is some time without her. However upon her return she searches to see what I have done.
"What's this Mummy?" 

"Who is this for Mummy?" 

"Can I have a dress made out of that new material that is not well hidden Mummy?" 


The Little Man is perfect. OBLIVIOUS to everything. Can sew things for him with him on the other side of the table and he will not even think about what I am doing....UNTIL....Dear Partner when asked what he thinks of a particularly tricky bit which looks a bit dodgy decides to call the Little Man over for a fitting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do I do it better?

Last year I participated in a large number of swaps around this time, so I could say (and not always fibbing) that I was making things for a swap. That worked well. Not sure two years in a row would work. Also they are more aware now of parcel deliveries.

"Where are our swap parcels Mummy?"

Surely other people make things for their kids? How do they do it?

So sewing is an achievement. Pictures are an epic monumental feat!

Though I am participating in a Sew-a-long for a dress for me in November. Perhaps more pics? I cannot make any promises.